We are running a competition - for all ages!

Many of you will now be at home and we think we can help you unleash your creativity.

This competition is open to all ages and abilities, you can use crayons or your electronic design skills.

Download the template now by clicking HERE.

All competitions have small print right?
Well here's ours.

1. This is a competition open to all ages and abilities but there are different prizes available.

2. If the winner is aged 10 or under, they will win 10 rolls of their design.

3. If the winner is over 10, then they will win € 200 and 10 free rolls of their design. We like to think you will give these to your buddies or family to make their bikes really special.

4. The winner will be picked on  Friday the 3rd of April  and you need to have your entry sent to us on by the  2nd of April  to make sure we see it.

5. We will pick the design we think is the coolest. It doesn't need to be technically good or anything pro, it could be we just love the use of your colors and style.

6. We reserve the right to reproduce your design for sale and promotional use - you wouldn't be eligible for any proceeds of these sales.

7. This is a competition to encourage creativity in all ages while you might not be able to go outdoors, so please share it with your friends and family. There is no limit to how many times you enter.

8. Have fun, go crazy, get loose!


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